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Men & Women New Testament 1991

Men & Women New Testament 1991 Image

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Hard Back -- Lessons Include:

Silas -- Garland Robinson
Stephen -- Charles Blair
Peter -- Kenneth McClain
Paul -- Bob Jent
The Good Samaritan -- Winston Temple
Titus -- Ferrell Hester
Mary Magdalene -- Dan Jenkins
Dorcas -- Guy Hester
John the Baptist -- Gary Colley
Barnabas -- Winston Temple
Mary & Martha -- Guy Hester
Luke -- Gary Colley
Philip -- Ken Burleson
Andrew -- Dan Jenkins
Mary, the Mother of Jesus -- Walter Pigg, Jr.
James, the Brother of Jesus -- Ken Burleson
Mark -- Ferrell Hester
Zacchaeus -- James Boyd
Timothy -- Joe Gilmore
Lydia -- Walter Pigg, Jr.
Matthew -- Garland Robinson
Priscilla & Aquila -- James Boyd
John -- Charles Blair
Cornelius -- Joe Gilmore

List Price:$14.95
Your Price:$2.00 (You save $12.95)
Weight:1.069 lbs